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Top 10 Sure-Fire Ways to Get Your Computer Up And Running

This post is about one thing getting it fixed simply, ill start off with 10 being the worst and 1 being the most effective. Please be aware these are strategies for the lowest levels of users and not for advanced users.

10. Call support - This works most of the time, support can fix it remotely or on the phone. If the problem is a huge ordeal, then maybe support is your best answer. The old saying "Don't make a mountain out of a mole-hill" works great here. Think about it if your computer is broke...its broke any more damage you do to it is going to cost you the same amount as if it were simple and they fixed it. As an IT tech I charge by the hour and I've walked into jobs and the computer "would not power on", well it works when its plugged in. Thank you that will be 75$ for my minute of work. I do however go as far to do a virus scan sometimes but most techs are not going to do this.

9. Click and hit random buttons - This problem pretty much solves nothing and causes more problems rather than helping...but its still better than just calling tech support. Sometimes banging a keyboard will help, say for example a stuck key is preventing a boot or causing the system to lock up. Its not the best approach but its also not the worst option.

8. Re-seat the memory - If you're a little tech savvy you know what memory looks like, those long green circuit boards you can replace. Most mother boards are labeled as to where the memory is, even laptops have a little door on the bottom of them that is easily accessible with a small screwdriver. Some times taking this memory out **WITH THE POWER OFF** can fix your situation.

7. Forums/Search - The answer to most problems can be found online. Today it is common to have more than one PC or at least have a PC and a smartphone. Just type your error or problem along with computer model/OS/Software and the answer to your computer problem is usually right there.

6. Try a different piece of hardware - Sometimes if your monitor isn't displaying, its not the computer its the monitor same goes for all other peripherals. If you happen to have another one connected to another computer or an extra, give that a shot.

5. System Restore - This one is aimed at Windows users, just do a system restore to a couple of days before the problem. All of your files will be there but installed updates and programs will be gone. Its like time travel for your computer. This fixes tons of problems.

4. Reinstall - That pesky program just wont work, reinstall it! Some times a refresh of all the settings and files are just what you need. This is a simple, easy thing to do. If you have the software install still.

3. Free Tools - With another computer or a smartphone download malwarebytes or CCleaner and run these free tools. They are powerful and will usually do the trick. Malwarebytes will get rid of programs that hinder your use and CCleaner can repair your registry safely (always back up the registry before editing).

2. Check the power - I'm always amazed at how many times a computer isn't plugged in or the power strip is turned off. Give the power cord a check and make sure its plugged in. On laptops unplug the power inverter, remove the battery and hold down the power button for 10-seconds. This discharges the machine and will get a dead laptop back up and running in no time.

1. DUN DUN DUN the number one thing you can do to fix a computer with problems, is RESTART. Restarting a computer that is slow or not functioning correctly is the best thing you can do. Sometimes people are so afraid it wont come back on, but just restart it, if it doesn't come back on you've got bigger problems.

I hope this helps you at least a little, sometimes those high support bills and long wait times can be fixed with these simple troubleshooting steps.


Kelly Ree said...

GREAT ADVICE! I run both malware and CCLeaner on all of my machines (one is a dual with Linux). I Can't run the CCleaner on my mac pro for some reason, advise please?). :)
Another free tool that I like is OPENDNS....great for monitoring.
Thanks again for the best tech advice that I have seen lately.

Ken Dixon said...

Thanks for commenting! Thanks for the compliments! CCleaner is specifically for Windows machines. The file structure of a Macintosh is completely different. Macs are based off of Unix. CCleaner will run on Microsoft Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and 98. Including both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

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