We've all heard the term Anti-Virus. Most of us have heard the term firewall. What do they mean? Perhaps you think that an anti-virus will do what a firewall will or vice-versa. This statement is true in the sense of software bundles but the two program types are completely different.
An anti-virus scans files real-time and scheduled. The files are checked for specific code that relates them to viruses. Anti-viruses keep a database of know virus code that it uses to check files against. This is what you are downloading when you download "Virus Definitions", without the definitions your anti-virus would be useless. Anti-viruses scan, clean, quarantine and delete the files you download/install. Firewalls are completely different.
Firewalls monitor the traffic in and out of your computer. Your computer is constantly talking to servers and receiving data back. Programs update all the time, reports are sent out if you are part of programs plans etc. this generates data going between your computer and the internet. Firewalls protect you by monitoring the traffic and making sure that it is approved. When you first set up your firewall you will be asked if different traffic is legitimate. Usually you know that the windows updater and iTunes updater are good traffic and should be allowed. When the firewall detects that you are sending out information that doesn't normally go out, it issues an alert to the user and asks for confirmation. The firewall can then block the traffic and stop the data. The firewall also monitors incoming traffic, if it detects data coming back that was not requested by the user then it will issue a warning.
In literal terms its pretty simple. The firewall is like a bouncer at a club, he checks IDs to make sure you're on the "list" and will stop you from getting in. If you upset the club owner the bouncer may also keep you in. In the same sense an anti-virus can be applied in the same way through a different person. An anti-virus is your bartender, they give you your drinks or in this case data. They know its clean they poured it, they also monitor your drinks for you while some more effectively than others they notice when someone has slipped you something. They may pour out your drink and warn you of the danger. The bartender also watches you and makes sure you don't get too drunk, you are at their will as to whether you are ejected from the the club or not. For both of these situations the person is data, bouncer a firewall, bartender the anti-virus. Without both of these the club does not function correctly, it may work for a little while but eventually there will be a problem.
This has been a TechReally technology post.
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