With the official launch of Google instant on Wednesday Google has now made it much easier to search. Google engineers have made it possible by developing a new mode of browsing on internet. It’s a one more step of Google to provide more comprehensive and best results for the query typed.
You can now see various results for each alphabet you type in Google. The page will update results dynamically for the last letter that you have just typed. The results are in front of you before pressing the search button. If sometimes you don’t want instant results than you can turn it off by going on Preference Page.
This will surely help in the process of search engine optimization as now your site will appear in the search results and this will increase the number of impression on your site. So we can assume that Google will now visit the websites more often and the visitors too.
Earlier Google counts the number of impressions only when a user types a full query but with Google Instant this will not be the case. Google will also measure the impression that will appear while typing a query. The impression would be counted in the user stays on the result page for minimum 3 seconds after typing. You can checkout webmaster tools for the number of impression that your site is getting through Google Instant search results.
Before Google Instant it took more than 9 seconds to enter a search term. You can save 2 to 5 sec per search term. Google says “If everyone uses Google Instant globally, we estimate this will save more than 3.5 billion seconds a day. That’s 11 hours saved every second.”
As Google says “If it is faster and easier, people will do more searches”. Google Instant will give you the results that are Relevant, Useful and faster than before. Google Instant will not affect the ranking position in search results.
Shilly Van a native of the United Kingdom and has the experience of more than 5 years in the field of internet marketing
and seo. She ia a famous writer and has written many articles on video production services, video seo,social media, optimization and many other related topics.
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