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Malware! What is it? How can I Fix it?

Malware, you may have heard the term but not know exactly what it is. Malware is exactly what its name suggests, malicious software. Malware creeps into your computer usually without your consent or disguised as something completely harmless. Malware tries to hinder the use of your computer by stopping the use of legitimate programs like antivirus and firewalls. Malware can enter your computer through many means, one of the most popular ways is through file sharing P2P programs that connect to the guentilla network (ie: Limewire, BearShare, Etc). When you download your favorite song, (like no one really does, right?), a small bit of code can be attached to that sound file and ultimately install itself onto your computer. The type of malware that slows your computer down and hinders your use is only one kind of malware. Another type is Scare-ware, this is my favorite type. Scare-ware does just that, it scares you into buying a false program with false warnings. Scare-ware tells you that you have infections on almost every file you try to run. It scares you into thinking you’re at risk. Anti-Virus Pro and Antivirus 2008/2009/2010 are prime examples of scare-ware. As a computer tech, I can tell you that it’s costly to get rid of and downright annoying.

One of my favorite programs to use is Malware Bytes Anti-Malware. This program works wonders and the free version is amazing if you know you’re already infected. Malware Bytes offers quick and full scan capabilities. “Quick scanning” scans all of the processes and files called currently into memory and determines if they are infected. “Full scanning” scans all of your files and registry keys to seek out the bad malware. When an infection is found, Malware Bytes gives you the option of deleting or leaving the file (as a tech tip…just delete the file). Personally, I’ve even seen Malware Bytes take out the nasty polymorphic virus VIRUT. I suggest trying the free version and, after falling in love with it, go ahead and buy the full version. Buying the full version unlocks real-time protection, scheduled scanning and scheduled updating.

Another new tool that is out is Microsoft’s Security Essentials. I have played around with it, and I’ve seen it catch a few nasty worms and viruses that other software is not finding.

I once used Adaware, as I know most of you have heard of and use. I find Malware Bytes to be faster and more reliable.

Please leave comments if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Malware Bytes Anti-Malware can be downloaded at

Microsoft Security Essentials can be downloaded from

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